a lover's arms around you
a raft to hold onto
and around your arms
a small one, warm and pink
and at first it must taste so wonderful and comforting
you could cry, your face could just burst
at the thought of the love surrounding you
but as collective body heat rises and limbs fall asleep
contorted still in selfless resolve to continue
support for the others on your bed-boat
a discomfort must creep in
and I would imagine, a new dream forms
one of space and time and full agency
over your limbs
I swim nightly in a sea devoid of humans
two furry bedfellows give me no more warmth
than I can handle
and while I love this
I often dream and pursue the addition of a partner
and a child or two
I know if I ever attain these feats of daring, brave vulnerability
there will likely be many moments of longing for
what I now have
and this is the forever dilemma of life
but still, it is good to want things
even if you never achieve them
a dream is the purpose putting speed in your step
and without stepping ever forwards toward some goal
you stand still and wilt curdled in potential untested
and growth perverted like an ingrown hair