physical beauty is
it comes and goes
and never returns
except in memory
there may be a picture
of the production
but it cannot be fondled
in the way a thigh can
it cannot make you feel
the weight of its punch
sometimes I get caught up
in my reflection
when I catch a glimpse
of my own beauty
--that illusive beast--
and I gape in awe at it
want to play with it
put it on display
show people
tell them to interact
with it
touch it
caress it
take pictures of it
because I know that
soon enough
it will be gone
forever, truly
each day and minute
it leaves me
this is why lust must
act as it must
in heated passion
like it’s dying
because it is
my god, I’m dying,
please see this--
this youthful beauty
leaving me
my skin will never again
be this smooth and glowing
my breasts never again
this supple and perky
please, by god, please
admire me