Title your piece "There Are No Gods" (taken from the title of a D.H. Lawrence poem)
Use the words: denuded, raindrops, anguish, rocks, gull, winsome, jar. (words pulled from his works)
Use D.H. Lawrence's painting above as inspiration.
This can be a fiction or non-fiction story, a play, screenplay, or poem.
Write for 20 minutes. Edit for 10 minutes. Stop. E-mail it in andiebottrell(at)yahoo(dot)com. Watch for it to be posted here.
There Are No Gods
by Andie Bottrell
Azure blue sat their ocean seats
swift shallows cusping interiors red
a laugh bellowed out from beyond
and distracted their longful stares
their lusting ambitions
it begged interruption
as trees swam past
and the sky caught fire
they knew what they wanted
but damn if things weren't
wacked, denuded of their rightful
place and ways
a nightmarish dreamscape
and them, just dolls adrift in it
the laughing ceased- the joke finished
their eyes returned to each other
fingers touched the tender rubber
of sun stained skin
a gull swashbuckled a fish
and winsome man stuck his dick
in sweet woman's inner jar
their breathing beat the waves
in calm
their beating bodies settled things
there are no gods, they said,
or holy things
no trinities or entities unseen
beyond the horizon ended things
and death would always settle things
raindrops fell from anguished skies
crying eyes mirrored them
beating bodies kept heaving on
rocks rose from seas below
bowing into rocket ships
shooting to the moon and back
and they, they
kept holding on
the believing ones on shores
parallel and further yond'
with occasional screams
and condemnation for their
wayward, heathen souls
the azure sea kept rocking them
back and forth
keeping them
as if to comfort them
and their lustful ambition
remained new as birth
binding them in locked eyes
bodies connected and
held strong by tissue
and bone
these simple, basic human things
the human strings
of love
(here is D.H.'s There Are No Gods, if you care- figured it be good to include)
There Are No Gods
by D.H. Lawrence
There are no gods, and you can please yourself
have a game of tennis, go out in the car, do some shopping, sit and talk, talk, talk
with a cigarette browning your fingers.
There are no gods, and you can please yourself -
go and please yourself -
But leave me alone, leave me alone, to myself!
and then in the room, whose is the presence
that makes the air so still and lovely to me?
Who is it that softly touches the sides of my breast
10and touches me over the heart
so that my heart beats soothed, soothed, soothed and at peace?
Who is it smooths the bed-sheets like the cool
smooth ocean where the fishes rest on edge
in their own dream?
Who is it that clasps and kneads my naked feet, till they unfold,
till all is well, till all is utterly well? the lotus-lilies of the feet!
I tell you, it is no woman, it is no man, for I am alone.
And I fall asleep with the gods, the gods
that are not, or that are
according to the soul's desire,
like a pool into which we plunge, or do not plunge.