the good vs. evil trope is an oversimplification
of the complexities of being human
and this enables us to write off an individual's humanity
and human rights and separate ourselves from guilt
in the name of justice
humans are capable of doing good things
and humans are capable of inflicting incredible
we all do good, helpful, positively impactful things
and we all do hurtful, harmful, petty, painful things
sometimes people say, "I am a bad person because
xyz" --- what they mean is they did an action, said words,
or thought thoughts that they recognize are hurtful or
potentially painful
i think it is a pointless exercise to label ourselves or others
as good, bad, saints or monsters
we are human, we must own that
we should look at our lives as a math equation
there will be subtractions--there just will--no one is perfect
and there will be additions
the goal, i think, should be to aim for a sum positive
rather than negative
to give more than you take
leave people and the earth better than you found them
in short,
sum good