he sat, when he sat- which was granted rare,
with a defiance and knees sticking up high,
feet always palms down touching ground
ready to kick up the dirt at a fast pace
and run out of town.
Seemed like the son of somebody that knew
how to kick down and bolster a blow if ya
know what I mean, seemed like a runaway kid
with a career in collecting plastics, homeless classics
it seemed like jim bean, naked, would only wear his
due diligence until he died- left waiting for a chance
that may have, maybe never, arrived.
after death he'd be erased from all of history
that old adage about the butterfly's wings just
a thing said to make it seem like we're all more
than just specks and flakes making tiny waves
in one centimeter of an ocean of infinity.
what life, what lived, wherefore his heart
would beat and be beaten until it stopped
what start, what end, wherefore Jim bean
in the grand scheme and for what purpose
put here, he and I?