the world will the fill the silence
with all the things you are
it will tell you how to be
and will, in harsh form, warn you
what never to become
you learned as a child to absorb
new information with ease
you were made to believe
but this—you must not believe
and i am concerned that no one
else may be telling you
the world lies all the time
it is your journey to decipher the truth
but this one thing—i must tell you
woman, you were not put here
as an object—if you were, you’d better
been a shoe meant for stomping
out these false ideas
you are good to be complex
to find the beauty in yourself
you are sexy in all forms
you don’t need to bare this
self-hatred upon your shoulders
like a burden passed down to you
by your weary elders
you can decide and discover who
you are, who you want to be,
where you want to go in life
you should ponder your own legacy
more than you worry over the judgments
of those around you
there is more than one way to live
there is more than one head-space
to occupy
humans are mimics by nature
if you're having trouble getting out of a
harmful way of thinking, find someone who
radiates all the loving things you want to emulate
and then find 20 more
surround yourself with their way of responding
to the negative stimuli in the world
and let your re-learning begin