Like we should
There is always some part
Some sacred part
Kept back and hidden away
Sometimes time passes
And then more time passes
And life gets away from us
And we forget to say things
Or ask about things
Or call each other
And more of us gets hidden away
And someone we trusted
Becomes a stranger
And even people you see all time
Can drift away from you
Inside themselves
There are unknowable things
In us too big, too overwhelming
Too small, too inconvenient,
Too scary to say
Too commonplace to feel
Too much to get into
When we can just keep going on
This way
It’s not ideal, perhaps,
Or certainly it’s a regret we all feel
A rejection we all must learn to face
But maybe this is just how it goes
We ebb and flow through life
Like waves crashing into a specific
Spot on the beach
For a while
Before being pulled back out
To sea
Maybe the whole, sad truth of it is
You can’t wrangle a wave
To land where you please
The course gets set in motion
So many miles out from the land
You can’t even see